Every day, the information technology system is growing and becoming more complex, taking up more time and money. However, the results do not always justify the maintenance costs of the IT structure. Over time, the convenience and habitual business management are replaced by newly emerging risks. Such situations require control by managers both internally and by independent experts – from the outside. IT audit is ordered to obtain timely, relevant and systematized information.
Today we can distinguish six main types of IT infrastructure audit services.
- The first service is IT audit, which is performed privately. This service includes the collection of information needed to perform other work. During the survey, auditors do not analyze inaccuracies or errors and do not assess the state of infrastructure.
- The next, second, service is an IT expert assessment. Auditors assess the appropriateness and adequacy of financing of certain business solutions.
- Technical audit services include collection and analysis of information on technical components of IT infrastructure. This type of work is notable for its narrow specialization and small volume.
- Business process audits usually appoint a person responsible for various processes, as well as assess the behavior of staff and customers. In addition, during such an audit, documentation is analyzed.
- Audit of IT criterion includes collection of information about certain parts and processes of IT structure, as well as issuance of recommendations on a specific criterion.
- The name of the comprehensive audit speaks for itself. It is a type of audit, which analyzes the relationship between the processes that provide full functional work of the IT infrastructure.
Almost all audit companies provide a number of documents on the results of verification work. As a rule, these are reports on the results of the IT audit of the company as a whole, as well as on the outcome of the audit of the enterprise information security system. Additional documents include recommendations to eliminate inconsistencies in business processes etc.
Myths and rumors about outsourcing in the field of information technologies
Many people perceive outsourcing as a dangerous service with high risks. This is justified by the lack of trust in third parties. Often misconceptions arise from myths spread on the Internet by employees in order to save jobs.
- The emergence of dependence on a contractor. Managers, who need outsourcing services, are afraid to turn to such a company, as they foresee the possibility of dependence of their firm, which can threaten risks in the future. However, in fact, a third-party company is interested in the fast execution of specific actions and work according to the plan and technical task. As for the support, the customer will not have any difficulty to delegate this responsibility to its staff specialist.
- Important data leaks. The most common myth about it outsourcing companies is information theft for the purpose of sale and distribution. However, statistics show that staff members are more likely to allow such leaks, especially since the contractor guarantees confidentiality under the contract and will not risk his status and reputation.
- Higher costs. Initially, cost increases are possible because the firm’s services may be provided at partial prepayment for the entire range of work. However, such payments are made from the budget on a one-off basis and further contribute to the development of the organization. The same costs may be incurred if problems are postponed or innovations are introduced due to lack of staff or knowledge.